+ 91 – 86 88 99 49 49 + 91 – 863 22 44 555 srinivasgemology@gmail.com


Recomended Books

We will have skill development center and provide facilities to train the people who are entering into the competitive world. We develop competitive enivironment..

Recomended Gem Equipment

After choosing special gems you can start a wholesale and retail business, astrologers can do their gem business along with the astrology from where they are like this we can certify different sorts of gem and provide to the people. In the present situation gem experts are very rare when the fake gems ruling the society .so we hope everyone can use this opportunity and utilise this.


Recomended Websites

http://transfairusa.org http://www.africaintelligence.com http://www.atimes.com

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Gemstones Articles

Colored Stone Grading Methodologies are Hue,Saturation (weak-fair-moderate-strong),Tone (very light-light-medium-dark-very dark)

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