+ 91 – 86 88 99 49 49 + 91 – 863 22 44 555 srinivasgemology@gmail.com

Field Trips


Surya institute of gemology conducts educational and business field trips for its student’s, who successfully completed all the courses and practical examinations. The main reason behind conducting periodical field trips for the students and alumni who are successful in completing their education at the institute is to gain further and live experiences of knowing and buying the gems right from the sources with finest quality of natural gems. These field trips are designed to gain a rich experience of gaining knowledge and learning business acumen in the field of gemology.

Surya institute of gemology after conducting an exclusive research with power of global connections has identified some excellent diamond mining spots and best markets were best of global traders meet and buy the diamonds. I myself the founder of surya diamonds & surya institute of gemology had successfully completed certification in gemology from prestigious Asian institute of gemological sciences-AIGS at Thailand in the year 2008. After successfull completion of the course I left to gemological institute of America-GIA in the year 2009 for pursuing my higher education and professional certification in diamond course and pearl grading courses. As part of the education system the institutes over there have conducted several EDUCATIONAL & BUSINESS TRIPS.

In particular when i studied in Bangkok, our institute conducted several trips to nearby Thailand and more places like Myanmar, Cambodia, Lao’s, Sri Lanka and Madagascar. I had extensive in-depth experiences of how the gemology trade works throughout the world. It was a huge game changing experience for me as i successfully completed the trips and gained more practical and real knowledge.

I visited several diamond mines and personally had interaction’s with many experts, who includes the owner’s of the mines. They took me around many gem cutting & polishing factories and jewellery & gem making factories.
Later i personally visited and networked with gems markets and gem traders several times to gain more in-depth knowledge. This experience gave me a seed idea of training and education more gemologists to do business ethically. It made me more inspirational to start surya institute of gemology in India to make sure Indian jewellers and gem traders gain more benefits by visiting mines directly and sourcing gems at the point of natural availability. As father of the nation Mahatma Gandhi said and i quote “Customer is god “.
The reason why i am quoting this point is, given the time in the Indian gem trade market i observed lot of illegal and un-ethical practices being conducted by dealers who sell synthetic gems which come from factories abroad. There are only 1% traders in this country who buy natural diamonds and gems directly from sources of trust. The remaining 99% of the traders buy synthetic and heat treated gems from people who come with suitcases and sell which are completely not natural and in fact fake.
In the whole system the two main looser are the small traders and customers who buy these fake or synthetic stuff from these traders. There are several reasons for traders who buy these synthetic stuff from these suitcase dealers who come to their office. The main things are lack of knowledge, no global exposure and infact basic and common problem is language. At times in the business field, TIME is also one of the major factors for small traders. This types of situations are actually spoiling the industry. It took as my main goal to cultivate a good gemology in the Indian gemology industry.
Surya institute of gemology conducted some business trips to jaipur and srilanka in past 2 years as a batch of 20 traders at a time. The trip was conducted Mr.sunkara for small traders and jewellers who came across from the state and was given a whole brief of the trip well in advance. This gave confidence even for the lab bench workers as it opened the doors for whole new world of knowledge.
The trip to srilanka mines and gems market gave a free open trade system and value that developed a new scenario of thinking and mindset in the traders. They now have new connections and saw improvement in their businesses to a tune of multiple folds in revenue. They were happy and more confident than before. This field trip system open’s the minds and give a lifeline to direct trade from source to the customer. The purest value of money and trust improves and changes the life of a small trader and improves his business revenue year on year.
The institute has identified some important places of trade and mines of interest to plan and personally conduct trips to these places. They are listed below by distinguishing between INDIA and ABROAD. They are categorised by their importance of markets, mines and global brands.