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Diamond Grading and Pricing

Surya institute of gemology a premier gemology knowledge hub offers diamond course for aspirants and entrepreneurs in the field of diamond buying and selling as well as bench work. It offers a wide variety of exposure to the sources of diamonds in the world. The comprehensive and tailor made course helps in all round development of the student. The course includes the theory part, practicals. Offering access to hundreds of diamonds in a wide variety of grades, sizes, cuts and levels of clarity, the Diamond Grading and Pricing course provides students with the skills required to judge cut, color, clarity and carat ,otherwise known as the “Four C’s” of diamond grading .This also includes learning how these factors affect the stone’s overall value. In addition to this, students will learn how to identify the various diamond simulants, synthetics and enhancements that are commonly encountered in the marketplace.

Key areas of exposure:

  1. Chemical composition: different forms of carbon (graphite, amorphous, diamond).
  2. Geological occurrences and their history : gem and industrial diamond, kimberlite (mines); alluvial deposits (river beds); marine deposits (beaches, sea-bed); meteoric diamonds; localities like Australia; Borneo; brazil; India; sierra Leone, Russia; south Africa; south west Africa, Zaire, Canada etc.
  3. Extraction of diamonds: crushing, washing and screening, heavy media separator; grease table, grease belt, x-ray separation.
  4. Operation of the market: de-beers consolidated mines; diamond trading company (d.t.c.); sights supplied by d.t.c.; diamond bourses; clubs; operation of the national and international markets. Sources of rough diamonds: hdc, mmtc, nmdc, local-resellers, d.t.c, open market.
  5. Crystalline forms of diamonds and physical properties : crystallography, nature of crystals; systems of crystallography; cubic system; forms; twins, parallel growth; irregular forms; growth features, fracture; cleavage; hardness (moh’s scale); specific gravity (heavy liquids and hydrostatic method); electrical conductivity. Thermal conductivity; graphitization.
  6. Optical properties : single; double and anomalous double refraction, refractive index; strain patterns; dispersion; absorption spectra; transparency to ultra-violet and x-rays; reflectivity; luminescence.
  7. History of cuts : the modern brilliant cut; variation of the brilliant cut; principles of diamond cutting; lustre, brilliance, fire, ideal cuts and proportions; variation from the ideal cut.
  8. Manufacturing of diamonds : grains; sawing; cleaving; bruiting; grinding; polishing; 4,3,2, point stones; acidizing; ultrasonic cleaning.
  9. Colour grading of polished stones: lighting standards and magnification; comparison stones. Colour grading systems (g.i.a.; hrd; indian; c.i.b.j.o.)
  10. Clarity grading of polished stones : magnification; lighting; international grading scales; (g.i.a.; hrd; Indian; c.i.b.j.o.); criteria for grading; internal blemishes; external defects.
  11. Grading for cut: spread stones; lumpy and fish-eye stones, proportion scope and proportion analysing, carat system; weighing scales; estimating weight of mounted stones (gauges); sieves and sieve sizes. Estimating: table percentage, pavilion depth, crown angle, pavilion angle and girdle thickness.
  12. Synthetic diamond: synthesis; artificial colouration; identification of treated diamond.
  13. Identification of diamond: with 10x only; with instruments; type; classification.
  14. Diamond stimulants : gadolinium gallium garnet (ggg); yttrium aluminium garnet (yag); strontium titanate; synthetic rutile; synthetic cubic zirconia; synthetic moissanite; spinet; sapphire; zircon; topaz; quartz; paste; doublets.
  15. Practical’s: clarity grading, yield estimation and planning of rough diamonds, clarity, cut and colour grading of polished diamonds.

study and research about fundamentals of coloured gem stones and their optical characteristics. Practical Gemology goes one step further, explaining how to use the tools of gemology & processing information supplied. This is the essence of colour stone grading.

Examination System:

Every student has to undergo the following examination system to obtain credits
  1. Theory Part – 50 Marks ( Pass with 35 marks )
  2. Practical Part – 100 Marks ( Pass with 100/100 marks )
  3. ATTENDANCE - 100% in practical and 100% attendance in theory is compulsory.
  4. EXAMINATION - Theory, Oral, Practical
  5. THEORY - 2 hours
  6. PRACTICAL - 2 hours


  1. Minimum 70% in theory and oral examination.
  2. 100% in Practical examination.
  3. 100% practical qualify for a distinction.


    Unsuccessful students wishing to re-appear for the next examination will have to pay the examination fee of Rs. 2,000/-


    On successful completion of the course Diamond Grading and Pricing certificate will be awarded by the examination board.