Consulting is one of the major pillars at surya diamonds with added value from surya institute of gemology. Consulting will deliver many outputs in terms of knowledge about the industry and opens up new connections with the people in the gemology field.

This helps in many factors. Business relations, buying, selling, pricing structure and delivering knowledge and assisting the customer and maintaining trust.

Consulting has two things:

1.Business Consulting:

This part of consulting is between business and business owners, where major corporates or mid size jewellers come for more information and ethical trade relations and new improvements and updates in the field of gemology.

This has help further human relations in with industry experts and new business men. Business plans take an innovative approach in this type of consulting.

Mr.srinivas has been in general business consulting for the past 6 years in gemology industry for major brands on the high street.

2.Knowledge and Training consulting:

Knowledge consulting has a major role to play in the field of gemology. This industry is mostly based on knowledge, human relations, and supply- on- time management.

This trading route is key to maintain quality procurement from mine operators, traders to cross border local small jewellers and diamond sorters. Therefore there is a clear need to make sure knowledge is always industry updated.

Mr.srinivas has been working on core literature in the gemology industry to make sure all gemologists are ethical and with good selling practices to maintain trust in society and expand their business.