Surya Gem Testing Laboratory is a private, independent gemological laboratory. Our primary objective is to provide customers with accurate and internationally recognized identification and grading services at affordable rates. We believe by interpreting the gemological characteristics of a specific gemstone fairly accurately, both the buyer and seller can make appropriate decision.
The lab is operated by highly experienced gemologists with state-of-the-art laboratory equipments. We look forward to hearing from you or seeing you in our office. Please stop by to learn more about us.

Testing is one of the key parts in field of gemology. Without testing and assessing even a priciest Gem doesn’t have a value. Surya diamonds and surya institute of gemology have heavily invested in the equipment and priciest instruments matching the global testing standard in the industry.

Surya diamonds follows and invest’s according to the Gemological institute of America standards.  This can maintain strong trust in both upcoming gemologists and bench workers in the gem labs to assess any diamond and gem stone within the office and if possible in front of the customer.

Objectivity and independence are the virtues of surya institute of gemology reports and services have elaborate processes in place to ensure items anonymity through the grading process. Upon arrival to the Laboratory, for every article all references to its owner are removed or concealed.

It is assigned a bar-coded label with a unique internal identification number that is used to track it throughout the process. Furthermore, client information is masked within the software, thus ensuring that the identity of owner is kept as a secret for the purpose of an unbiased testing and certification.

Certification of origin became a major issue since similar looking inclusions were observed in deposits in different parts of the World. Standard gem testing instruments could no longer be used to determine origin with satisfactory accuracy.

Equipment at the Gem laboratory:

Surya institute of gemology is well equipped with instruments and world class testing environment to test and assess all kinds of gem stones.

  1. Chelsea Filter
  2. Cleaning cloth
  3. Dichroscope
  4. Fiber optic light
  5. Heavy liquids
  6. Hydrostatic Balance
  7. Immersion cell
  8. Loupe
  9. Microscope
  10. Polariscope
  11. Refractometer
  12. Spectroscope
  13. Tweezers
  14. U V Fluorescence